they give you more interiors to explore! It really makes the game fresh again to be able to wander round and spot a door in a well trodden city that you've never been in before and inject the excitement of exploration back into your experience. *The Beantown Interiors Project, Stumble Upon Interiors and Lexington Interiors- I'm growling these three together because they all offer the same function. Granted some might consider this a cheat because of how many resources scrapping can net you, but realistically the only more rare resource you'll find yourself with barrels of is fertiliser. Gone are the trashpiles, random bushes and piles of leaves. *STS- Scrap That Settlement is a great tool that finally let's you scrap all that nasty stuff you're forced to leave around your settlements. This is for the folks who have the season pass (or at least Automatron, Far Harbor and Nuka World)- now you'll be able to find DLC items and creatures rarely in the commonwealth and in the other DLC areas- creatures from the DLCs won't start appearing until you complete the Mechanical Menace quest. *Integrated Commonwealth- Quite a few mods by ANDREWCX are on this list it turns out.

Simple, effective and does exactly what it says on the tin. *Place Anywhere Tool - Another great tool for building settlements, this helps you place things where you want to place them. This mod does cause the game to lag out for a few seconds when you open workshop mode, but that's a problem with how mods are forced to function on console. *USO - Unlocked Settlement Objects is a great addition for anyone who likes making settlements- it can be an almost overwhelming amount of new things to build with but you'll quickly get to grips with it once you've figured out how to navigate the menus. In my opinion these are all excellent additions to the game that don't compromise the integrity of the game I'll list a few cheat mods along with other excellent mods that didn't quite make the cut as honorable mentions. I tried to find a list of mods that could be considered must haves for the PS4 that doesn't include a ton of mods I'd consider to be cheats, so after several months of tinkering I have a list myself.