And if you have to do a premade to have a reliable chance of getting rewarded or progression, the endgame content in STO is just going to die.

It was nice to be able to hop into some random queue, carry everyone through it, and get some minor progress for the effort. Yes I know I can get a premade, and I've been doing so out of necessity, but that's what the new Elite queues are supposed to be for. This is the single biggest thing that will drive me off the game. It's really blatant if you glance at Mirror Invasion where the Advanced variant got a hard fail condition and something like 80% of the players are just doing normal instead for the guaranteed event item, when last time the event came up these were reversed.

Now, it's a crapshoot if you get anything for the 10-20 minutes you spend doing a queue, and if you look at the populations for anything but the easiest/most reliable queues (ISA, CCA) it's obvious most people have stopped bothering. Most elite queues pre-DR were fine if you failed the optionals then you lost some marks and usually took a lot more time, but most of them had no hard-fail conditions for a damn good reason. It's just absurd, and part of the single biggest issue of Delta Rising: the massive annoyance timesink that is advanced queues. But you can't get ancient power cells from those.

when you can't even get pick up groups to reliably finish Bug Hunt Advanced, let alone Borg Disconnected Advanced or Battle of Korfez? If Cryptic wants random groups to do normals for sub-par mark and dilithium rewards, then fine, whatever.